Friday, September 9, 2016

The calls

Actual message left on Mary's voicemail at 3:43 p.m. yesterday:

“Hi, I saw Dr. Grumpy about 10 years ago for something or another. Anyway, my wife may have had a stroke, or migraine, one of those things, this morning. I’d like him to order an MRI on her for today. We’re flying out tonight to Europe, so need it before then."


  1. If true, They have no idea how much their lives have just changed.

  2. What sort of people live in your town? Not Valley of the Dolls, certainly. Maybe Lowlands of the Dolts?

  3. Sorry, Dr. G. I didn't mean to insult some of the inhabitants of the town where you live, and I'm sure that you don't make this outrageousness up, but this guy is not only being stupid, but he seems uncaring about his wife. Or, maybe he's too stupid to know he is uncaring?

  4. "But, now that I think about it, they have socialized medicine in Europe, so if we just wait till we get there to have it done, we won't have to pay for it, right? Never mind."

  5. Yup, the guy is without a doubt one of your patients.

  6. "And this has to be today, because otherwise she's just going to keep whining and complaining the whole time that she needs medical attention, and it's going to ruin my trip. I really don't want a repeat of last year's visit to Yellowstone."

  7. "And I hope she regains movement on the left side of her body by then, because otherwise she's going to have trouble getting into her middle seat and she's going to want me to switch with her so she can have the aisle. And I refuse to sit in the middle seat."

  8. "Right now she can't lift her arms over her head, so I don't know how she's going to go through the millimeter wave scanner at the airport."

  9. "The Rick Steves Guide to Venice doesn't say anything about what to do when your wife is flopping on the floor like a fish, foaming at the mouth, and screaming. It was the first thing I checked."

  10. Well, the ER seems to be the first stop. Probably too late. But, there are fine doctors, nurses, techs, hospitals, etc. in Europe. I guess she's good to go.

  11. This whole situation is a mess, but I can tell I've been reading the Grumpy blog for a while because my first thought was, "Mary is going to have to call this guy back and attempt to talk sense into him, and they can't bill him for the time."

  12. "Oh, and it should be one of the places near our house, and also not one of the ones where they make you take off your jewelry."

  13. "At least I think she's my wife. She's some woman, anyway."

  14. They also need refills on their insulin and controlled substances that are all expired or have no refills. :)

  15. "You wouldn't believe what Viking River Cruises charges to use their onboard MRI machine."

  16. "Also, if you could not give the MRI place my real name, that would be helpful. At least until we're out of US jurisdiction."

  17. ", ya think I can get a discount on the airfare if she rides in the cargo hold in her condition– one-way or round-trip?"

  18. I can't stop shuddering while I laugh at this guy.

  19. yeah.... my father collapsed one morning when he was supposed to be going to the Virgin Islands with an uncle... instead of driving to the the airport, they went to the ER... I dunno...I don't get Social Security (which is going bankrupt, right?) until I am 67 so I guess you have to try to get those "fun" trips in somehow.

    As to this specific incident, they say no one takes women's complaints seriously.... maybe she has been unwell for awhile.


So wadda you think?