Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Germ theory

This past Saturday, Craig had a meeting at Ye Olde Burger Dive with some dads and other Boy Scouts to plan out their annual trip to Camp Wannahockaloogie.

I dropped him off and drove away. After I'd run errands for an hour or so, he texted he was done, and I went to get him. He came out, carrying a styrofoam take-home box, climbed in the Grumpymobile, and we headed home.

We chatted about the meeting, and camp, and the food at Ye Olde Burger Dive. When we got to that topic he asked "Hey, Dad, you want some fries?"

"Sure," I replied.

Craig opened up the styrofoam box and leaned over. It was full of fries and maybe a third of a cheeseburger. So I grabbed some fries and ate them.

Dr. Grumpy: "They have good fries."

Craig: "Yeah, I like them."

Dr. Grumpy: "You didn't finish your burger?"

Craig: "Are you kidding? I love their food. I put my whole lunch away."

Dr. Grumpy: "Huh? Then what's in there?"

Craig: "Oh, some kid named Jake got that but couldn't finish it, and then he had to leave halfway through the meeting 'cuz he wasn't feeling well. So I asked for a box to take his stuff home for Mello."


  1. There's something lacking in a teenagers pre-frontal cortex, that's for sure!

  2. Gotta give him points for good intentions...

  3. Mello has a species barrier to protect him. Ye olde yak herder may want some Listerine and a strep test though.

  4. I take it your son is grounded for the rest for the summer for trying to poison you right?

  5. Full disclosure (up front). Fail.

  6. EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

  7. Was this covered in medical school?

  8. This might be a "teachable moment."

    OR refer him to Mrs. Grumpy, RN (and whatever letters she has acquired.) She will set Craig straight. In my experience, nurses know more practical stuff about infectious things than MDs.

    Or Mrs. Grumpy can deliver a case of Mom-Whoop on Craig. Maybe Mom-Whoop followed by lecture with slides.

    Whatever. Just don't let Mello near the stuff.

  9. Right about now Craig is saying to his assembled group of friends:

    "And then you should have seen the look on my Dad's face when....."

  10. Well, so far it hasn't killed you yet, and you did get to taste nice fries!

  11. Oh, don't be such a worrywart. You cannot catch Zika from food and you (as far as we know) aren't pregnant.


So wadda you think?