Friday, June 17, 2016

Beam me up

Dr. Grumpy: "Is that Cochran with or without an E on the end?"

Mr. Trek: "No E."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay."

Mr. Trek: "Zefram Cochrane has an E at the end."

Dr. Grumpy: "Who's that?"

Mr. Trek: "Sheesh. He invented the warp drive in 2063."


  1. Lol ; Mr Trek " I'm a time traveller from the future , doesn't my notes say that " ?

  2. O, the things you're supposed to know........

    .........You know what, grumpy -- I'm not submitting any more comments -- your verify captcha is too difficult -- is that a river or a pond? i can see a bridge, but is there a river underneath it or maybe just a road-- is there a river in that valley? is that a store front or someone's house with cars parked in front of it?Not sure my neurons can cope. But i will still keep reading you.
    Darn, and now my verification has expired and I have to do it all over again

  3. Yep. And?

    Oh wait, this sort of conversation is unusual for most people, isn't it?

  4. I can't believe you didn't know that. :-P

  5. "I'm a doctor, not a sci-fi historian."

  6. What exactly is a warp drive ?

    And is it something that I absolutely must have ?

  7. Oh dear, I always thought it was Zephram Cochrane, but Google says you are right and I am wrong.

  8. Hey, brush up on your future history! :-)

  9. What, don't you know about the statue and where it will stand in the future? What do they teach you these days in medical school?

  10. @Anonymous said...
    O, the things

    You don't get the captchas if you're signed it, at least with Google+. I just check the 'I'm not a robot' box.

    What disturbs me about this guy is him: referencing it like a real event, and: referring to it in the past. Die-hard fan, time traveler, or someone who needs a referral to the mind treaters?

  11. No, there ain't no cure for the Star Trek time blues...

  12. I'm so ashamed of you, Dr G.


So wadda you think?