Friday, May 20, 2016

MARY!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Grumpy: "Any changes in your health since I last saw you?"

Ms. Doda: "No, nothing ... Oh wait, I had surgery last fall."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, was it..."

Ms. Doda: "I got boobies! Implants! Check these girls out!"

(Whips off shirt)


  1. Doda died just last November, at the age of 78.

  2. First name Carol

    So Ivan you were a fan too.

  3. The least you could have done for us is rate them on a simple 1 to 10 scale. And don't tell me that was the worst thing to happen to you that day! Makes me think of my husband watching that epic last scene of Game of Thrones on last week's episode and Daenerys walking out of the fire, naked, his remark was "Nice boobs." THAT'S your takeaway of what happened?

  4. RIP, Ms. Doda.

    So what was your professional opinion of the surgical results???

  5. Dr. Grumpy is a hero in our class-stratified age. A true egalitarian, he treats everyone, including the booboisie.

  6. Doda. I had managed to forget about her. Yikes.

  7. "Thanks, Trumpcare!"

  8. At least she was the species that you've been trained to work on. Imagine the horror for us poor veterinarians when our clients decide to "share". "Gee, Doc. D'ya think this rash in my groin could be from the dog?" No no no no no! Not looking!
    There's a reason I'm a vet. People are gross.

  9. I assume that as the ethical neurologist you are, you didn't offer to check sensation and reflexes in her new parts.

  10. I resemble this remark.


    --Debra Doda

  11. Did this really happen? Funniest blog ever.

  12. A bit of histrionic personality disorder, perhaps?


So wadda you think?