Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring break

Heading out for the kids' Spring Break. See you guys next week!*

*Okay, realistically I won't see you. All I ever see is my monitor. But you know what I mean.


  1. Have a nice vacation ; rest , relax and recharge the ol' battery . ;-)

  2. Dr. G, I have been meaning to comment on the last several posts, but haven't gotten it together to do it till now. (A good friend committed suicide 33 years ago on 3/16; my dad had mixed depression/anxiety and didn't know how to medicate it except with alcohol; and my darling husband is in the belly of the depression beast as I write.) But, simply, thank you a thousand times for your honesty. And have a good break; God knows you've earned it.

  3. I know what Spring Break is. That's a weekly holiday every year that other pharmacists seem to be able to schedule and take off. For some reason whenever I try to schedule it all I hear is "Sorry we're all booked up."

  4. REST, RELAX, regroup ... ahh spring.


So wadda you think?