Monday, February 8, 2016


Last week I was reviewing a research protocol which included the Beck Depression Inventory.

While looking through the questions I came across this one, and all I could think of was "How would Mick Jagger answer this?"


  1. Answer 4: I can't get no ... satisfaction!! No! No! No! Satisfakshun!

  2. I just realized what the title of the blog entry was. I guess we think alike. Sorry for redundancy. :D

  3. I think he would know enough to say You can't always get what you want.

  4. 4) I look inside myself and see my heart is black.

  5. Fortunately, there's a little yellow pill...

  6. Sounds like a classic case of the Honky Tonk Blues.

  7. You could always send Dead Flowers.

  8. Shadoobie, my brain's been battered.

  9. Other factors in the Beck Depression Inventory include stating that you're a loser (in both Spanish and English) and inviting others to kill you.

  10. I'd get a girl with far away eyes.

  11. 'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try. . .

  12. In P.E. classes, we had a 'modern' dance troupe from far away come to our high school to provide 'educational enrichment' for gymnastic exercise specifically on how to perform a choreographed dance program. I have no idea of what the other kids taking P.E. did, but a small group of very shy 9th grade girls in our 1st hour P.E. were enlisted to perform a number one of our comrades designed --only under agreement it would be introduced in the dark, performed in the dark under black light, and we would exit in the dark with the only visible element of our black leotards a glow-in-the dark design appropriately highlighting our garment. And so we 'danced' to 'Can't Get No ... ' and the matter was brought up to the School Board soon afterward. (I was under the impression that what upset the members of the PTA was what went on in the bleachers, and not our dance in particular.)

  13. Maybe a certain sense of ennui might be used to describe the dissatisfaction of this election season, but boring it is not.

  14. Oh my lord, I use this questionnaire almost daily. Now I'm going to giggle every time I look at it.

  15. How about, " I am not dissatisfied or bored with anything."

  16. The Beck is a piece of horse pockey. All it does is excuse the PCP from having to actually *talk* to their patients about what's wrong.


So wadda you think?