Friday, February 19, 2016

My readers write

Dear Dr. Grumpy,

I teach psychology courses at a community college.

I was teaching Intro Psych one quarter, and we were at the neuroscience portion of the course. One student spent every class either snapping her gum, texting, or staring off vacantly with ear buds in.

On exam day students were required to list the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex and to write just one function of each lobe.  It's an easy section of the test for most students. This one, however, could only come up with 1 lobe and its function.

Her answer:   "Ear lobe - hearing."

Thank you, J!


  1. Stacey, considering what I've heard about that stats of young voters, she probably doesn't.


  2. Reminds me of an anatomy class where a student thought a diagram of the ear was a diagram of the heart and labeled it accordingly.

  3. Well, clearly she gave the wrong answer because the correct answer is Earlobe is for earrings.

  4. General Chemistry I: the professor is telling us things we should know/review for the exam.

    Dr. Mendeleev: "Make sure you know basic properties of the table."

    Ms. Kardashian, dumbfounded: "What table?!?!? Which one are you talking about? What page?"

  5. Any relation to the star basketball player my mother got in one of her psych classes? 25% on the final--a true/false, no guessing penalty, open book, open note test and plenty of time to do it. (And her tests weren't as easy as that sounds--they didn't make you regurgitate facts, they made you combine two facts to get the answer. If you forgot a name or something you could look it up but if you didn't know the material you might as well flip a coin.)

  6. A brain is a terrible thing to waste on the brainless

  7. Dunno... but I think I got piercings in all four of em lobes

  8. HOWEVER, the real question in the whole affair, for me anyway, is, "What was her final course grade?" Was it the grade I would have received back in the 60s, a true reflection of my performance, or a 21st Century grade of "You were present and get a medal like everyone else."?

  9. Perhaps, she & this young lady could start studying together!

  10. ....Whenever I hear a story like this, I have to ask: WHY are they taking the class in the first place!?!

  11. @Candida Gomez: I don't know about Dr. Grumpy's story but the case I referred to--she needed some class in order to have the 12 credit hours needed to remain eligible to play basketball. My mother has no idea how she ended up in her class--neither of my parents normally had any athletes because the athletic department knew their classes weren't easy credits.

  12. And let me guess. She came to you at the end of the semester, 80% of the grade already in (and she's failing), and looked at you tearfully and said, "Is there some extra credit or something I could do to improve my grade? It's really important to me that I do well in this class!"


So wadda you think?