Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Annie's desk

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Mr. Camp: "Hi, I'm trying to find out what my MRI showed."

Annie: "Okay, hang on..."

Mr. Camp: "It was done 3 days ago."

Annie: "Huh. Usually we call as soon as... I'm sorry, but I don't show you in our system. Are you a patient of Dr. Grumpy's?"

Mr. Camp: "No, I see Dr. Darth."

Annie: "Well, we're not in practice with him. You'll need to call his office for results."

Mr. Camp: "But you guys use the same MRI place. Don't you have access to their system?"

Annie: "Yes, but we can't go looking up patients who aren't ours. You'll have to get the results from the ordering doctor."

Mr. Camp: "That's Dr. Darth."

Annie: "Yeah, you'll have to call his office."

Mr. Camp: "His phones are down today because of the storm last night, otherwise I wouldn't be calling you in the first place."

Annie: "I'm sorry, but..."

Mr. Camp: "Thanks for nothing."



  1. Reminds me of the story of the person standing in a supermarket, screaming at the top of their lungs because Store X doesn't carry the house brand of Store Y.

    "I only eat the Store Y brand! Why don't you carry it?!"

    "Because we're Store X, not Store Y."

    "That's no excuse! You need to start stocking Store Y brand right away! It's the only thing I will eat!"

    Guess you're gonna starve, honey.

  2. Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    HIPAA who?
    I can't tell you that!

  3. And even though it's at BOTH ENDS of the message that the doctor is on call for emergencies ONLY and to call the office between 7:30 am and 5 or 8 pm (depending on the day) if you wish to make an appointment...guess who gets woken up by a client with a scheduling question at least once a week.

    "Well I don't understand why you can't tell me when my appointment is next week."

    Um because it's 2am and I don't keep the practice's computer system in my effing bedroom, that's why.

  4. I think you ought to be asking your children to knock off the crank calls.

  5. "Here we are... it says it came up empty."

  6. Is Ed, the Office fish still alive? If not, which iteration of Ed are you currently displaying?

  7. I love it when patients call my office (I'm primary care) for the results of a test that a specialist ordered. When I tell them to call the doctor who ordered it, they'll go, "But he's so busy, I didn't want to bother him!"

    Whereas I obviously just sit on my ass all day and do nothing, right?


So wadda you think?