Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Dr. Grumpy: "How was your trip to Wally World?"

Mrs. Invert: "It was great, the kids had a lot of fun."

Dr. Grumpy: "You guys go on the roller coasters?"

Mrs. Invert: "My kids did. I can't do those."

Dr. Grumpy: "My wife is the same way."

Mrs. Invert: "It's a medical issue. I can't go upside down. A doctor I once saw said it would make my brain fall out, and I'd die."


  1. This had me so confused, because I'm fairly certain my mother calls Walmart "Wally World."

  2. I told the witch doctor
    I worried for my brain
    I told the witch doctor
    A coaster was to blame
    I told the witch doctor
    I feared I would be slain

    He told me

    Ooh eeh, ooh aah aah
    Ting tang, walla walla bing bang
    Oooh eeh, ooh ahh ahh
    Ting tang, walla walla bing bang

  3. The trick is to time it so your brain falls out at the top of the loop, and then lands back in your cranial cavity when you hit the bottom. Unfortunately, this doesn't work on coasters with corkscrews, cobra rolls, immelmans, or heartline turns.

  4. And that's why roller coasters always have flocks of zombies hanging around them.

  5. That's why riders put their hands up in the air. So they can catch their brains.

  6. Coaster fans call this effect "Finé del capo."

  7. At most amusement parks, you can buy it back at the snack bar.

  8. Plus, all those signs clearly say "keep your internal organs inside the ride at all times."

  9. A very similar thing happens when you ride the Mixer.

  10. "Not to worry, dearie. It will never happen to you."

    stay safe.

  11. Oh, my! Well, her remark generated an epic set of comments, at least. Moose, you gave me a flashback to much earlier days, and now I can't get that song out of my head. Thanks! :-D

  12. Too bad she missed the rest of the episode, when the doctor explained that this could be prevented by taking garcinia cambogia.

  13. Ear Worms for the win! MUHAHAHAHA!!!

  14. Do you suppose the cause of that is being too open-minded?

  15. Kudos to that doctor who told Mrs. Invert that and managed to keep a straight face.


So wadda you think?