Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Medieval whatever

Lady Ophelia: "The headaches keep getting worse. I think I need that scan, Magnetic Renaissance Imaging."

Doctor Grumpy: "It's actually Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI."

Lady Ophelia: "Whatever."


  1. I do love a good Monty Python reference no matter how thinly veiled.

  2. Run away! Run away! (sound of coconuts clapping together)...

  3. Michelangelo BuonarrotiJune 16, 2015 at 10:52 AM

    Do you have any idea how many of those little colored refrigerator magnets it took for me to make that picture on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

  4. I've just been commissioned to make a mural of "The Last Supper" in Milan, and I have a great idea. Instead of using the standard fresco technique of painting on wet plaster, I'm going to do the whole thing on a Magna Doodle. What could possibly go wrong?

  5. I get a LOT of chicks, and it's all due to my natural animal magnetism.

  6. I would fart in her general direction.

  7. Is that the scan that shows unicorns?

  8. Those would be the Knights of the Pedant Gathering.

  9. Y'know, when I was a student, and didn't have the empathy thing down pat, I could feel giggles rising to the surface whenever I listened to the patients dolefully pronounce their list-o-meds as I 'practiced' taking medication histories. Was I bad pharmacy student? Maybe, it was a nervous response to the situation at hand. Or, maybe it was mental pictures of medieval knights in shining armour.

  10. Nobody expects the Magnetic Renaissance Imaging!!!

  11. If you use the machine that goes "Bing", can you charge Medicaid extra?

  12. What is the velocity of...........

  13. MRI: Magic Renaissance Imaging? With pure rare ingredients, skin from a fat man hung during winter solstice, black charcoal from a heretic burnt at the stake and the finger of a deceased baby found eaten by wild pig as a brush. Sorry, I haven't taken my meds yet :-)

  14. It's a shame Magic Renaissance Imaging doesn't exist. I would totally be down to try it.


So wadda you think?