Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Reportable case

Seen in another doctor's note:


  1. This is about as confusing as the report that i heard yesterday, that slightly overweight diabetics have a 13% less risk of dying.
    I had to wonder - 5 years, 10 years, ever??

  2. Please tell me it's that transcription program screwing up again...

  3. The long awaited proof that resurrection is real!

  4. Written by Robert Kirkman? Where is Rick when you need rescuing from the Walking Dead?

  5. Is there ever any success in suicide ? A moral and philosophical dilemma.

  6. Boy, they're redefining "success" lower and lower every year, aren't they?

  7. It was homeopathic suicide.

  8. "I got better."

  9. "She's not very talkative, though."

  10. Hmm. EMR picked the 'wrong' side-effect? It wasn't the desired side-effect of growing long luxurious eyelashes, turning her blue-eyes brown nor the the one causing enlarged mammary glands, nor was it that annoying metallic taste from clarithromycin or oral metronidazole. It was the one that resulted in making everything taste like licorice without blacking her teeth. Not that she did not like the taste glycerrhiza extract. As a matter of fact, she was always craving a chaw, but she did not want to suffer a case of surfeit and be turned off it for life. No. The expected side-effect arrived and exquisite and she knew it was enough, and that some day in the future when her bleak world turned gray again, she could take one pinch of the little black cake that said 'eat me' and relive the moments over and over again. Licorice. A packet of licorice all-sorts would not do for her, insufficient--too sugary, nor all the black jelly beans in the expired discount aisle from Easter. It had to be the deep, sweet molasses chewy taste imbued with the essential organic all-natural extract.


So wadda you think?