Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Neurology, 2015

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, Annie will set the MRI up for you, and then I'll see you back when we have the results. Any questions on this?"

Ms. Valtrex: "Um, maybe not related to the other symptoms, but I have some bumps on my skin, you know, down there, that have fluid coming out of them. Can you look at them for me?"


  1. Well, considering how many people let their genitalia do the thinking, this could fall under neurology...

  2. Okay, DEFINITELY more disgusting than the lost fake fingernail.

  3. Maybe if she was a Mongolian yak, you might have taken a peek.....

  4. If it makes her NERVous, it must be a neurological problem.

  5. Oh, what a treat you missed out on.

  6. "Or maybe taste the fluid?"

  7. Well, at least you're a certifiable MD with some training, eh? As pharmacists (speaking somewhat generally, of course), I didn't really want to be involved in blood and guts, but what is one to do when the patient sidles up to the counter and wants to show you 'that' rash, or 'that' unsavory symptom, or goes full-story on the report of what happened in the surgery? On the other hand, there is no limit to our imagination apparently. Just say the word 'bed-bug' or 'louse' and everyone in the shop starts scratching. And, when I hear another story of teens 'shooting up' something off the street, all the blood vessels in my body tingle, and ache in sympathy for the illicit IVDU.

  8. Latency in the nerves...totally within the scope of practice of neurology.

  9. Lends new meaning to recto-cranial inversion.

  10. Well, I guess that's exactly *why* you became a neurologist, pardon me, yak herder, to NOT have to look at anything "down there", oozing and bumpy or not. Ew.

  11. Hey, these days it pays to save a co-pay.

    I once admitted a guy w A-fib who shared the same concern.

    In general, if a patient is comfortable telling me something I am comfortable hearing it, but sometimes I wonder if I wear a look on my face that says, "Don't hesitate to ask me to look at your genital rash in front of a large medical team."


So wadda you think?