Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Workin' on a...

With spring coming and the snow finally receding, Mrs. Grumpy sent me out last night to buy gardening crap so she can try growing tomatoes at home (if this works, it could save us a fortune in tire wear and gas).

At the store I passed this sign:

Does it make anyone else think of the song "Sex Farm" by Spinal Tap?

"Gettin' out my pitchfork."


  1. I got my tomatoes in the ground after a couple of months in the greenhouse. I still got more plants, but no room. If you hear of someone in South Texas having their kids seized by the state due to cruel treatment, it'll be me after serving them tomatoes three times a day. Good luck to Mrs. Grumpy. Sungolds are delicious, Matt's wild Cherries are a pest.

  2. As long as you plant 11 plants.....

  3. Listen to what the tomato people say.

  4. While you were busy sowing your wild oats, wasn't it Mrs. Grumpy's prize-winning tomatoes that attracted you to her in the first place?

  5. They should have complementary wine by the sign.

  6. And be careful not to spill it on the ground.

  7. Plant marigolds with your tomatoes to keep the tomato worms at bay.

  8. Working on the grapevine?


So wadda you think?