Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Real Genius

Like many other iPhone owners, Mrs. Grumpy has been having Bluetooth problems since the introduction of iOS 8. I personally haven't been affected by this, because my car is so old that its highest tech feature is an AM radio (I passed on the 8-track option).

Anyway, due to this driving her nuts, I tested it with my phone and couldn't get it to work either.

So I made an appointment and took both phones to the Apple Genius Bar this weekend (I'd like to have taken the car, too, but driving through the Grumpyville Mall is frowned upon). There I waited patiently with other pissed-off iPhone users and listened to the soothing sound of Journey's Greatest Hits being played overhead.

The "Genius" there (who wasn't able to help, BTW, Tim) decided to make sure my phone's Bluetooth connection worked. So he said "do you have any music on this?" When I said "yes" he turned on my music app (which is set for random shuffle) and went to get a Bluetooth speaker. He set it down next to my phone, called up my Bluetooth menu, and looked over the list that appeared. Mumbling "I think the speaker is this one" he tapped a selection.

To his horror, he'd actually just linked my phone to the store's overhead speaker system. Suddenly Journey's "Any Way You Want It" stopped, to be replaced by a random selection from my iTunes...

Which was "The Internet is for Porn" from Avenue Q.

He hurriedly turned it off and muttered "It looks like your Bluetooth is working."


  1. I like you EVEN MORE now.

  2. Pity it wasn't "So What" by the Anti-Nowhere League.

  3. Journey? Either the company's really gone to hell since Steve died, or the next product they're working on after the watch is the Apple Earplugs.

  4. At least it wasn't "everyone's a little bit racist" (same album).

  5. Driving through the mall is acceptable if you are wearing one black suit jacket, one pair black suit pants, one hat (black), one pair sunglasses.

    Plus you should have on you 23 dollars and 7 cents. Don't forget to break the cop's watch.

    Do you have a Miss Piggy?

  6. Like all those people using the Apple Store's computers to get online don't already know that.

  7. Yeah, and you totally blew my plan to use the Bluetooth on MY phone to hijack the music systems at Apple stores. The other guys are never going to let me back in the band at this rate.

  8. That's great. Had it been my phone this would have played:


  9. I've always had a problem w/ Apple referring to the people who help you @ the back of the store as Genius'? I don't think I've ever found a single one to be "Smarter than a 5th Grader!"


So wadda you think?