Thursday, November 27, 2014

Scrolling through Groupon

While I have nothing against vibrators, or Groupon, I did get the giggles over how they're mixed in with more mundane household items.

They were also selling, on DVD, the complete TV series "Highway to Heaven." Regrettably, that pic wasn't next to one of these ads, or it would have been perfect.

Anna and Elsa know what they want for Christmakkuh...


  1. No holidays in no-snow season? Move to the the southern hemisphere!!! Argentina is lovely. Australia has good wine. Madagascar, despite the insane kids movie, is a hell hole still suffering scars of internal strife.

  2. Oh my hell... I've been laughing too hard for a few days to even comment on this. I love the 25,000+ sold. Someone is on the Highway to Heaven!


So wadda you think?