Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mary's Desk

Mary: "Okay, so we have you down for next Tuesday, at 4:15."

Mr. Argue: "I'll be there. This is so exciting! I've always been stuck seeing general neurologists, and I'm so thrilled to finally be seeing someone at the famous Binswanger's Clinic."

Mary: "Um... we're not part of the Binswanger's clinic."

Mr. Argue: "Of course you are. The person who gave me your name said so."

Mary: "No... The Binswanger Clinic is in south Grumpyville, about 5 miles from here."

Mr. Argue: "But I want to be seen by a Binswanger neurologist!"

Mary: "Okay, but Dr. Grumpy isn't part of that institution. We're happy to see you here, but we don't have any affiliation with them."


Mr. Argue: "Then cancel my appointment. I'm tired of settling for neurologist wannabes."


  1. Oooh. That would be me!

  2. Dodged another bullet, eh, Dr. Grumpy?

  3. Of course, what the patient doesn't know is that the Binswanger neurologists are the guys who couldn't hack private practice and decided to go to a cush salaried job .

  4. Just another junior-varsity superhero, welcome to my world.

  5. I knew Otto Binswanger and you sir are no Otto Binswanger.

    For some fun today, put Marquette Michigan in as a favorite on your Weather Channel Ap on your tablet or smart phone.

  6. How come your town has so many neurologists?

  7. "I get all my medical guidance from the Robb Report. And I have the same insurance as the Kardashians."

  8. Naturally, this has nothing to do with the shipment of diamonds that's due to arrive at the jewelry store next door to the Binswanger Clinic.

  9. When you buy medical referrals out on the street, you get burned...

  10. You should know, Mary, those are the ones that have that 'Binswanger' logo embroidered in cyrillic writing on their little olive budenovkas, and the gold star ring on their pinkie fingers. I wanna get some ECT from one of those guys.


So wadda you think?