Monday, November 17, 2014

Lunch with Dr. Pissy

Having lunch with a rep selling migraine pills:

Drug rep: "Doctors, did you know that menstrual migraine affects up to 30% of women?"

Dr. Pissy: "And at least ten times that many men."

Pissy's nurse kicked him under the table.


  1. Yeah, perfect dinner table conversation.

  2. That's why it's called "MENstrual."

  3. So did the drug rep laugh? As an ex-drug pusher, I would have cracked up laughing and dropped the canned questions (well, I didn't do much of the company spiel anyway)

  4. Did Pissy's nurse get him in the testicles? I hope so. That is what THAT comment deserved.


    And yes, I am getting over a migraine. Tends to dampen my sense of humor. And sharpen my aim ()

  5. Ten points to Dr. Pissy! I never got the migraines, but I'd get cramps so bad I couldn't hold food down. Ibuprophen is a miracle. Made the last couple of decades of my "fertile years" tolerable. So glad I don't have that problem anymore! I'll take hot flashes over bleeding and cramps any time.

  6. Menstrual migraine: for those times when one excuse not to have sex just isn't enough.

  7. Minstrels give everyone migraines.

  8. Good thing Dr Pissy didn't become a mathematician.

  9. I'm fairly certain that a) neurologists know that, and b) drug companies often have creative statistics.

    Eg "ours is the BEST drug... under x circumstances in y population with z disease when compared to w drug at n dose between the ages of c and d."


So wadda you think?