Tuesday, September 16, 2014

That should do it

Seen yesterday afternoon in a hospital chart:

For non-medical readers: the effective sedating dose of Valium is typically 5mg-10mg.


  1. Maybe you were rounding at the zoo and the patient was an elephant?

    Just trying to give the prescriber the benefit of the doubt.

  2. PLEASE tell me you did something about it.

    Besides the smack upside the head they deserve. :p

  3. Why don't you just hit her with a brick instead?

  4. I hope that was meant to be 30mg? For someone who already takes it maybe?
    I wonder what the lethal dose is.

  5. For whom ? Patient or Nurse.

    Today class we will learn the importance of decimal point placement.

  6. Said the vet looking after my pet elephant.

  7. "In the interest of time, patient has been prophylactically intubated."

  8. I know some pet owners from work who I'd like to dose up like that. It sure would take the edge off MY day...

  9. I think some patients need it. I know I do after doing prior authorizations on the phone.

  10. A competent medical transcriptionist (such as myself) would have flagged that for the dictator!!! Anyone need a compentent medical transcriptionist?!

  11. "What can I do, that's the size they sell at Costco."

  12. Was the order signed by Dr. Kevorkian?

  13. Oh my!

    Grumpy hopefully the nurse politely got him/her to rewrite this one.

    Maybe if we were giving it to 30 (or more) people, but...

  14. what's sad is that teens taking "bath salts" often come in in status (unremitting seizures) the average dose of IV valium to bring them out is 400mg. Even my druggie inmate patients wee astounded.

  15. "To try and keep her calm I will start Valium, 300mg prn" - am I the only one who thinks this sounds like a line from a mad scientist's journal?

  16. Obviously just the attempt to keep her calm is going to require the fictional whole bottle of Valium 10 mg or 5s by the practitioner. All it takes is one tablet, but waving that bottle around in the air might help.

  17. And I thought 10mg was pushing it. That patient would sleep forever on 300mg.

  18. I feel like I could use this some days.

  19. Maybe that should have been 300ml of a placebo admin iv into the butt; that would surely keep her quiet for a while....
    On the other hand, perhaps this lady will be visiting the Wizard of Ozzz on her way to Never-Never land.....

  20. Reminds me of getting an inpatient lumbar puncture, on a local teaching hospital neurology unit, to diagnose MS five years ago. Told the resident that I needed to be drugged into oblivion. He obliged with oral valium and then IV Ativan. No clue of the doseage, but I slept for over 18 hours afterward. Docs did not bother to round in the morning as I was totally snowed. On the other hand, I DID survive said LP resplendant with many oligoclonal bands and whee untreatable, primary progressive MS. It was a breeze though and totally painless, have to say. The miracle of benzos.

  21. Another scrip PLEEEEESE.............
    After 40+ years of STD cha.sing I am entitled


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