Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Cheech: "Hi, I need to make an appointment with Dr. Grumpy."

Mary: "Okay, we can see you on..."

Mr. Cheech: "I don't have insurance. Does he accept other forms of payment?"

Mary: "Well, we take MasterCard, Visa, AMEX..."

Mr. Cheech: "No, I mean, like, in trade? I grow pot in my shed, and can give you some buds."

Mary: "No, we don't accept payment of that sort."

Mr. Cheech: "It's really high quality, organic. I don't use pesticides or any of that shit."


  1. Accept only artisanal buds, the new stuff is well....

    I would like to know who sired this person, so I can come around and slap you silly.

  2. "I'd be certified organic, except there are fees involved and it turns out that the USDA doesn't take weed as barter either."

  3. http://www.sfn.org/Press-Room/News-Release-Archives/2014/Brain-Changes-Are-Associated-with-Casual-Marijuana-Use-in-Young-Adults

    It all is coming together now....

    Buy stock in Grump MD, Inc.

  4. I've heard of working girls & gynecologists doing such trades but I don't really think I would want a doc that smokes pot.

  5. Offering payment in Diet Coke may have gotten him further.

  6. I'm sure he only wants to sell it to you to provide it to the patients with spasms...RIIIGHT!

    Just another fairy tale I've heard recently.

  7. Legal here in WA. I agree that the Diet Coke would work better for barter though.

  8. I grow poppies in my flower garden. Would you take those?

  9. "I don't use pesticides or any of that shit."
    I like the fact that he respects the environment but he needs to
    clean up his language.


So wadda you think?