Thursday, June 26, 2014


Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mrs. Sikorski: "You saw my daughter yesterday? I was at the appointment if you recall, and you started her on Migrazap?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes, I remember. Is there a problem with the medication?"

Mrs. Sikorski: "No. I'm calling because she drove back to college today, and I don't think she's getting enough sleep."

Dr. Grumpy: "Well, the medication won't affect sleep, so it..."

Mrs. Sikorski: "That's not the issue. I need you to call her and discuss how important sleep is, because it's going to affect her grades. She also needs to study more."

Dr. Grumpy: "Well, that's not really my place. I mean, she's 21 years old, and away at college, and..."

Mrs. Sikorski: "Could you at least bring it up at her appointment next month? Also, can you say a few words about her current boyfriend? I don't think he's good for her."


  1. In the U.S., the name is spelled Sikorsky, eg. Sikorsky helicopters. Great name choice!

  2. Don't forget to mention that she needs a hair cut and that it wouldn't kill her to wear a dress occasionally. She should eat more vegetables and wait half an hour before she brushes her teeth.

  3. Sure, no problem except for the boyfriend thing, I would have to meet him first to make an independent assessment.

    There are people who would not believe this stuff happens, yesterday I had a guy balking at paying child support---it won't leave me enough money to go to the casino--I felt like beating him with a stick.

  4. And could you please explain the "birds & bees" thing to her...

  5. An hour later:

    "Hello, Dr. Grampy? No, I'm not a patient of yours, but I was wondering if you could speak to Dr. Grempy and tell him to talk to Dr. Grimpy about calling Dr. Grompy and getting him to talk to Dr. Grumpy about talking to my daughter..."

  6. As a medical expert looked up to by millions, I'd be happy to talk to her.

  7. @Jenny.

  8. I think she confused Neuro with Psych.

  9. ...not getting enough sleep could make the migraines worse. The boyfriend, though? That is a DAD'S job. Aside from that, she's an adult not living at home. She's old enough to learn her own lessons.

  10. I'd be happy to talk with the daughter about learning the guitar.
    Eric Clapton

  11. I suspect the daughter applied at colleges as far away as she could get from mum without raising suspicion. I wonder if the only reason it's within driving distance is because in-state tuition tends to be lower.

    It's time to let the little bird grow up, for pete's sake.

    I wonder if she knows the mom in this story.

  12. Maybe instead of talking to the daughter about everything on Mom's list.......perhaps calling her to suggest she sign a release type form requesting you not being allowed to talk to the Mother to begin with would be even better?

  13. My mum called my university tutors and lecturers once when I had my phone switched off. I was in a lecture with 100 others, and the lecturer paused and told me I needed to phone my mum.
    She called the police to do a welfare check before I could get my phone charged. This despite being assured by various tutors that I was alive, well, and attending all my classes.

  14. Migrazap? This should totally be the name of a pill!


So wadda you think?