Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Annie: "Hey, Mr. Memory just called. Says he's still waiting for his Aricept refill?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Really? I thought I called it to DrugMart a few days ago."

Annie: "He says they never got it."

Dr. Grumpy: "Hang on... Here it is. Yeah, I called it in on Thursday."

Annie: "Let me call DrugMart."

(5 minutes later)

Dr. Grumpy: "What did DrugMart say?"

Annie: (sighs) "He picked it up yesterday."


  1. Mr Memory's whole life must be very confusing. He needs a personal assistant to keep track of his necessaries...

  2. Could this be a sign that the dosage needs to be adjusted?

    stay safe.

  3. This is the story of my life. I thank the good Lord for the three sets of Webster packs that simplify some of my parents' prescription dramas. I guess you could call me the personal assistant.

  4. This all occured after Mr. Memory, his wife, son, daughter, friends and helpful neighbors all called the pharmacy to swear and curse at the pharmacist for being incompetent for losing or not filling the prescription.

  5. Maybe he isn't getting that much benefit from the Aricept?

  6. I guess all I can do on this one is feel sorry for the guy.

    I've lost too many people in my life to Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

    I sure hope he has someone helping him at home or is in assisted living.

  7. Just needed to add one of my memories of my father: he called me from his car one day saying he didn't have the courage to go sit in the doctor's waiting room, it was so full. He just needed a new certificate saying he couldn't work for the following month. So I suggested I'd call and ask if it was possible to just write the certificate and put it out in an envelope without seeing him. The doctor answered he'd just seen my father and had given him the document. When I called him back he was just relieved to hear he could go home... He had the bravest girlfriend in the world. She made his end of life as bearable as possible, I'll never be able to thank her enough for that.

  8. Dealing with Alzheimer's is undeniably hard especially for the family. But you laugh about it or be incredibly frustrated by it. I choose the first option. Developing great skills in redirection is KEY! GET CREATIVE! When my grandmother was in the hospital and kept asking me where she was every 5 minutes, I finally told her she was at one of her daughter's new house and thats why everything looked different. Instantly diffused her anxiety about being in a hospital and she was able to sleep the rest of the night. She made me bust out laughing one afternoon when she was forgetting most of everything that was happening that day. But then it off the blue, correctly stated the time and reminded ME that wheel of fortune comes in at 630pm.


So wadda you think?