Tuesday, January 7, 2014


While flipping through a patient's hospital chart yesterday, I discovered this:


  1. Of course! boiling a certain part of the male anatomy before congress should do the trick!

  2. Which partner had The Snip?

  3. Confusion: The gift that keeps on giving.

  4. technically, this COULD be correct:

    pregnant, now, only once, considering unborn a child,
    and result was partner having procedure immediately, resulting in surgical procedure.

    or the obvious scenario = clueless.

  5. I'm sterilised but I would like to have more children .

  6. I vote clueless. Unless pt. was trying some of the more exotic ways of becoming pregnant (aside from grabbing partner's brother)

    Could have genders wrong, but could work in reverse. Unless the services of Officer Cynical needed.

  7. Maybe her partner had a vasectomy, but that guy at the bar didn't...

  8. DR. Grumpy, you ask such confusing questions! LOL

  9. I smell a lawsuit to compensate for the life of the child if the sterilization procedure failed. Of course, there is "the guy at the bar ..." TCG

  10. This makes sense if she's pregnant with an oops that resulted in him getting a snip.

    She doesn't have to be counting the fetus as a child, she could have a child that she is not the biological parent of.

  11. This is why I try to end my work day by reading Dr. Grumpy's blog post: it reminds me that no matter the extreme level of cluelessness I may have dealth with, someone else is having a more ridiculous day.

  12. I confused my doctors once when, 2 kids in tow & pregnant w/#3, they asked how many times I had carried a pregnancy to full term and I answered 0. All my boys (including the #3) were premature, so though my pregnancies did result in live births, not a one of them was full term. Confused the nurse asking the questions though.

    My guess is, she's reading "have you been pregnant" as past-tense, so counting the 1 pregnancy that resulted in the 1 child she already has, is now pregnant with #2, and partner has had a vasectomy so that #2 is the last one.

  13. My husband has azoospermia (sperm count=0) thanks to childhood cancer. We used donor sperm to conceive our first child, and I am now pregnant with our second child, also using donor sperm. So while an unplanned pregnancy is not possible between my husband and I, I am still pregnant.

  14. Or, just really enjoys "trying" as often as possible.

  15. Had a kid, then a tubal ligation. Divorced, remarried, now doing IVF to try to get pregnant with new husband. (I know somebody in this situation.)


So wadda you think?