Friday, October 11, 2013

Truth or Consequences

Last night, trying to be a nice guy and participate in the hospital's community outreach program, I gave a talk to a roomful of senior citizens about Alzheimer's disease.

One guy interrupted me 3 times to ask what a neurologist does.

I'm still not sure if this was real, or if he was intentionally fucking with me.


  1. Well if you answered his question the first time.........

  2. My response to the subject of hearing loss is always "What?"

  3. Are you looking to us to help you with an answer? I can make up something, if necessary.

  4. What was the subject, again? I know that is mean, but Grumpy didn't know if he was being teased. One of them needs help . . .

  5. I'm glad to see you back. I hope all is well with your family. Thanks for writing.

  6. Could it be possible that the guy repeating the question had Alzheimer's? Just wondering, since my dad had Alzheimer's and answering the same question from him every three minutes was common.

    It's good to see you back, Dr. Grumpy, and I hope you and the family are doing okay.

    1. Thank you for explaining the joke, Captain Obvious.

  7. At least you remembered they had asked THREE times or was it actually FIVE????

  8. So what does a neurologist do?

  9. Consider yourself lucky :-)... My 88 ears old Mum would have asked you this question 7 or 8 times... don't know if I should put a :-) or a :-(

  10. I just had my first appointment ever with a neurologist, and walked out at the end of the appointment still having no clue as to what he might do to help me.

  11. Did you feed the troll?

  12. I wonder how many of the audience members realized that he had asked the question 3 times in one short presentation? They are all suspect, too. I doubt he was messing with you.....if he was you likely would have sensed it from his body language and audience reaction.

  13. I was flat on my back on one of those gurneys used to transport people around the hospital --on my way to the radiology department for some sort of X-ray of my head. (The neurologist was considering something neoplastic in my brain because of unexplainable vomiting, headaches, dizziness in walking up steps, gustatory hallucinations--could taste blueberry pie just walking to history class from math.) This was 1975 and CT scan was not widely available. Up to this point I was a high school honor student, but every turn in the hallway back to the waiting room, I asked the orderly pushing the gurney the meaning of the word I had overheard "atrophy". It was a like a brain stutter because my thoughts were otherwise occupied. Maybe the fellow in the audience was not highly educated and told to show up, and couldn't get past your cordial and perfectly normal appearance. (Despite the Marx brother photo at this site!)

    This neurologist was one of the nicest physicians I've ever had the occasion to meet. (Probably a lot like Dr. G.) In AK, people fly to remote sites piloting their own planes sometimes, and he perished in the Pacific Ocean near Anchorage on returning from a consult.

  14. You should have just started talking about yak herding!!

  15. Well, what can I say? Your answer wasn't all that concise. You tend to use big words that nobody else knows, then you act like we're all really dumb for not knowing.

    I'm sorry if I pissed you off.

  16. Neurologists write blogs, of course! Crimony!

  17. Cats are absolutely useless when Gypsies come to the door.

  18. he can't visualize... did you use a power point presentation?


So wadda you think?