Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mary's desk, Tuesday afternoon

Mary: "Doctor Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mrs. Bland: "Hi, this is Katie Bland. Our daughters are in kindergarten together, and had a playdate last weekend at Local Park."

Mary: "Yes, she had a good time. I remember, you and I talked about the school's fundraisers."

Mrs. Bland: "Yeah. Anyway, my husband and I were wondering if you and your fiancé are interested in swinging with us at the Daisy Chain Club this weekend?"


  1. That's gonna make the next playdate mighty awkward.

  2. Uh, let me get back to you Ok

    Using kids to set up assignation is extremely distasteful in my way of thinking, there is just a terrible exploitive element. I realize that it is done all the time,by philanderers but it just seems so wrong to me. Soccer and Hockey and all that are for the kids, not so you can get some strange.

  3. Hell, Packer. Asking someone something like that when you barely know them is just outright tacky and tasteless.

    It's not the '90s anymore. You really should get to know your potential sex partners before you go suggesting they go swinging. Geez.

  4. 90's!! How about them 70's! We would have never of done such a nasty thing in the 90's.

  5. Maybe she meant swing dancing? Maybe? Please tell me she meant swing dancing.

  6. Did she say yes?
    Also, congratulations to Mary on her upcoming marriage.

  7. It was a playdate at a local park. I'm going to choose to believe that she meant push each other on the swings at that same park the following weekend with the kids' group "The Daisy Chain Club."

  8. I am teeter-tottering with suspense, what was the answer?

  9. Apparently the park had given her all the wrong ideas about that sort of Mary-go-round.

  10. Very curious...need the end of the story...what did she say?

  11. Well, the kids got to swing at the park, so the adults get to swing at the club?

  12. The ad at the bottom of the page says "the Benjamin Hotel: Swing by here!" How apropos!

  13. Oh, how tasteless. Mrs. Bland should have stopped by and offered Mary some Dunkin' Donuts and coffee first.


So wadda you think?