Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Negative answers FAIL

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you use caffeine?"

Mr. Negative: "No, except for 2 cups of regular coffee each day."

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you take any medications?"

Mr. Negative: "Nope. Only Coumadin and Metformin."

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you allergic to any medications?"

Mr. Negative: "None, just Penicillin."


  1. Points for honesty, triple negative points for not understanding what "no" means.

  2. Well at least he did admit to the things he drinks / takes / is allergic too!

  3. Sounds like my day in triage yesterday! Over and over again x 12 hours....

  4. Do you have high blood pressure? Nope, I take valsartan/lisinopril/.

  5. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  6. I have always wondered about this. Do they think it is bad to answer in the affirmative? I get it all the time.

    "Any allergies?"
    "No, just sulfa."

    In my head: Sulfa counts

  7. Sounds about right...
    Stopped by the bosses office today to tell her of an issue. The second in command informed me she was out today. I asked if she would be in tomorrow. The response?

    "She will either be in tomorrow, or she will be out tomorrow."

  8. But if you consider all the coffee in the world that he DOESN'T drink, and all the medication he DOESN'T take, the amount he does is utterly insignificant. So in that sense he's right.

  9. Anon 1am: Schrödinger's cat, no?


So wadda you think?