Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Patient quote of the day

"All my memories, without exception, are of things that happened in the past. I don't have any other kinds of memories, and I'm really worried about this."


  1. Merlin is one of your patients?

  2. One of Jung's favourite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"

  3. Is this Mr. Fluffles owner?

    Sounds like an interesting character.

  4. Oh dear...this sounds like an advanced case of CRS (can't remember shit).

    I've dealt with this before. Unfortunately, since it's contagious, I can't remember the proper therapies.

  5. Badly expressed, for sure, but could he mean that he he losing short term memory?

  6. Poorly expressed of course, but could it be a case of losing short term memory?

  7. Maybe he'd like to upgrade to things that SHOULD have happened in the past.

  8. What about the false memories implanted by the aliens to cover up the abduction?

  9. Pierre's comment was my thought, too.

  10. He is not running for Mayor of New York City by any chance ?

  11. Is it bad that I completely understand what he was trying to say?

  12. It's easily explained in some circles, e.g. y'know when you're in third grade and 'they' teach you how to tell time on an old-fashioned clockface with hands and after watching them for two or three minute you can't remember if you're supposed to watch them turn one way or the other? I had trouble tying square knots and replacing loose screws; was it righty-tighty or lefty-loosey or the other way around?

  13. Après Vu: I have visions of the future where I remember what I am thinking right now.

  14. I hope he will remember the past in the future.


So wadda you think?