Thursday, July 18, 2013

He's dead, Jim

This question came up on a survey last night (PD = Parkinson's Disease):

I really love the 5th answer. In all honesty, I can't recall ever having received a patient referral from a pathologist.

Which is probably good.


  1. Perhaps pathologists will be made aware of your penchant for extraordinary healing, as evidenced by the wheelchair-to-walker miracle you performed, thus necessitating this category on the survey?

  2. If the dead can vote in Chicago, why should't they be able to consult you in Grumpyville?

  3. Um, given that I had a pathology test on a lump removed from my body, and, last I checked, I'm still alive (maybe):

    Wouldn't a neuropathologist be someone who did things like tested sections of brain tissue removed to test for various diseases or maybe cancer or something?

    I'm just guessing here, you're the one who went to medical school. I went to Kristy's Klown Kollege and did my grad work at the Mad Cow Ranch School for Fine Cooking.

  4. I'm with Anonymous, above. Word gets out, people talk. Pretty soon there's going to be a line at your office longer than the $5 window at the track.

  5. @Moose:
    The region affected in Parkinson's Disease is deep within the brain. The only tissue biopsy available is from an autopsy.

  6. "Neuropathology is the pathological study of disease of the nervous system, in life and in death."

  7. But think of the zombies with Parkinson's disease ...


So wadda you think?