Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Moon river

Dr. Grumpy: "How did the medicine I prescribed work?"

Mrs. Solanaceae: "I never tried it. I looked it up on the internet, and found out it can cause liver problems."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay... but that's pretty rare."

Mrs. Solanaceae: "I don't care! It's my body, and I'm not going to take a pill that might harm it."

Dr. Grumpy: "You told me you smoke 2 packs a day."

Mrs. Solanaceae: "That's different. It's not a pill."


  1. I think I've seen her in my pulm clinic

  2. So, you're telling me I should smoke my methotrexate? I might be willing to try that.

  3. Although it might hurt my liver, I am going to start drinking after reading that. Heavily.

  4. Yes, and my mother doesn't drink because it's "only wine".

    Good to see logic is alive and well.

  5. OKaaaaaaay . . . . Then cancer pts should not have chemo. It hurts the body, after all.

    Logic. Gotta love it. And I like Grumpy's names for his FICTIONALIZED pts. (that is for the NSA and the medical groups looking down the nose at the blog.)

  6. Too bad "Common Sense" can't be prescribed...

  7. Does the patient take acetaminophen?

  8. Jedi:

    Gosh your comment just gave me a flashback to the guy who wouldn't take 325mg Tylenol for headaches, because of his liver. (but dilaudid and oxycodone were perfectly fine...)

    He already had cirrhosis from years of binge drinking.

    I always had to fight the urge to throw a big L on my forehead and yell, "DUH!!"

  9. I think your patient is my mother-in-law!

  10. I wonder if you could get this medication in a smokable form?

  11. Neurological assessment: brain the size of a pea?

  12. Perhaps an artisanal version would be acceptable to her???

  13. Human nature is what it is...

  14. Well, which is it?

    Gotta love it.

    We had a neurologist at our hospital that wrote his orders in the chart as "levodopa/carbidopa xxx mg take '1 pill' 3 times a day" which always cracked me up because my Pa called me a 'pill' when I was a squirmy toddler.

    The neurologist also spelled 'agitation' like 'aggitation'. (I used to get so agitated ... especially as he was the one always writing for lorazepam xx mg or haloperidol xx mg for aggitation). It's like a pharmacist spelling 'elixir' as 'elixer'!

    Hot zinger peppers, a deadly shade of night or small potatoes?


So wadda you think?