Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Why can't you be more like that Khatri boy? He makes a nice living."

Every medical study has a "financial disclosure statement" in it, listing all the people who did the research, how much they were paid for doing it, and who financed it.

So, while glancing through an article this weekend, I noticed the usual disclaimer paragraph at the end. This caught my eye:

Personally, if I were Dr. Hartung or Montalban, I'd be pretty insulted. Worse, I'd be embarrassed that my friends (and my mother!) saw how much better everyone else was doing.


  1. Could it have been for something like copying or courier services?

  2. Or maybe they left out a couple of zero's??

  3. Still worried about your mother? What a nice boy.

  4. That was non cash reported income.
    Remember Doc, cash co pays.

  5. More like, "you're a grad student, getting published should be reward enough!" And the compensation was bus fare to the conference the paper was presented at. It is obvious Xavier lived on the far side of town.

  6. Maybe they were the only honest two in the bunch. Submitted for actual time spent.

  7. Maybe they only spend 20 minutes working on this? Part of the team, but only helped once when other people were busy/away?


So wadda you think?