Monday, May 6, 2013

The Karate Octogenerian

Mr. Miyagi: "I need to get off Zuclox."

Dr. Grumpy: "What's wrong? You've been on Zuclox for almost 10 years without any problems."

Mr. Miyagi: "It's affecting my balance."

Dr. Grumpy: "Why do you say that?"

Mr. Miyagi: "I fell this weekend."

Dr. Grumpy: "What happened?"

Mr. Miyagi: "I was at the senior citizens dance, trying to meet some ladies. You see, back in 1946 I was stationed in Japan, and learned karate there. I was really good at it, too, and won a few tournaments. I haven't done it since I left the army though. Anyway, at the dance, some of the ladies and I were having drinks at the bar, and they were talking about those karate films, so I decided to show them my moves. I lost my balance and fell on my butt, and all those ladies started laughing at me. One of them laughed so hard her friend had to bring in her oxygen tank."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm not sure Zuclox is why you fell."

Mr. Miyagi: "I looked it up. Balance problems are in the side effects."

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes, but you never had them with it before."

Mr. Miyagi: "Look, just tell me how to stop it. The next dance is in 2 weeks."


  1. And he was sure the drinks and old age had nothing to do with this, right?

  2. Is he sure it wasn't the workings of the Cobra Kai dojo?

  3. And we wonder why kids today fail to understand basic logic and science.


  4. Tell him to stop drinking before he tries running a kata and see if that helps. If not, practice 'wax on, wax off' and 'hat on, hat off' 100 times per day.

  5. May I send this to my black-belt son? He may have ideas. But, I suspect it will be on the order of ETOH (my abbv.) and karate do not mix. Ever.

  6. You sure it wasn't Drunken Monkey style of Kung Fu that he meant? If so, everything went according plan...

  7. Time to tell him that an extra dose of B-6 fixes that "balance problem" in as little as 6 days! (or vit C, or D, or camomile tea, or some other mostly harmless substance)

  8. At least he's out having fun and he didn't break anything. Everybody was Kung Fu falling.


So wadda you think?