Friday, April 26, 2013

Dear OBG Management,

A colleague recently sent me a cover shot of this recent issue:

It looks pretty generic on the surface. Just another medical journal. But then you look closer.

A story on surgical robots? Fine. A story about vibrators? Okay. BUT DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO JUXTAPOSE THEM LIKE THIS?

Better living through machinery

I mean, in this sense it looks like an ad for a 1950's horror flick about giant vibrators from outer space, that arrive on Earth pretending to be friendly.


Of course, while we're on the topic of juvenile humor, I also noticed this headline in the top right corner:

Thank you, ER's Mom!


  1. Robot vibrators?

    That's either VERY scary, or could make you a hell of a lot of money!!

  2. "I'm not only a vibrator specialist, I'm also a vibrator patient."

  3. We have an OB/GYN practice in our area with a Dr. Cox and a Dr. Little. Also a Dr. Harrison but that's a real stretch to find sophomoric humor there. And I do think that perhaps the world would be a happier place with robotic vibrators (in place).

  4. Resistance is fu-oh-oh-oh-ohhh-tile!

  5. If you can't see the advantage of robotic vibratory(are there any other kind?) , you might want to use a fleshlight ;-)

  6. They needed to tell gynos that vibrators are a good thing? Seriously?

  7. Somewhat random, somewhat related comment -- did you see A.I.? Jude Law played a robot prostitute. Kinda bizarre.....


So wadda you think?