Monday, April 1, 2013

Annie's Desk

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Mr. Lombardi: "Hi, I see Dr. Grumpy for my seizures, and he increased my Nomoshakin dose last week."

Annie: "Okay, let me look up your note."

Mr. Lombardi: "Anyway, yesterday I was playing football with my buddies, and one of them stepped on my left hand, really hard. Today that wrist hurts and is all swollen."

Annie: "Did you have a seizure?"

Mr. Lombardi: "No, but do you think the wrist problem is from the medication increase? Because I didn't have it on lower doses."


  1. Nah, stupidity is congenital.

    How did this guy get to adulthood without learning the cause and effect of physical injury?

    So much for the burned hand teaching this patient anything.

  2. Is he sure he didn't get his head stepped on too?

  3. Bwahahah! Only this complaint was not made in jest. :-(

  4. April fool's???? I hope...

  5. "cum hoc propter hoc" or its translation "stupid is as stupid does"

  6. Must be a defensive lineman.

  7. Yep. Dr. Yak Herder must be exercising his Fool Word Processor (aka Siri) today.

  8. Love it - Nomoshakin for seizures!

  9. Poor Vince doesn't know his head from his hand.

  10. Reminds me of some (not all) of the "vaccination reaction" stories I've heard. ("...And did the doctors admit it was the flu vaccination she had 3 months earlier that killed her? No, they said it was her metastatic cancer!")

  11. So, this guy has his hand stepped on "really hard" on a regular basis, and it's never been a problem before?

  12. This has to be made up, not really based in reality.

  13. You must not work in health care.

  14. Hey, it could happen.

    My brother took twice the normal dose of ibuprofen, and 4 hours later the ligaments in his knee all tore, and now he has to have reconstructive surgery.

    He's so upset, because it was the first day of his skiing holiday, and he just bought all-new gear.

    The normal dose of ibuprofen was fine.

  15. It was because the drug was generic and had a different color or shape from the last time.....yea, it's always the medication! For the person who said this can't be real, I assure you this kind of "thought process" occurs many times daily in pharmacy, medicine, nursing, etc.

    Pharmacy Jim

  16. Also heard on a regular basis at the it the Nomoshakin causin my hand to swell?

    It looks here that you've been taking it for 2 years. Is that correct?

    Yes!!!!!!!! So, it must be the Nomoshakin!



So wadda you think?