Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Overheard in ER

Mr. Narc: "I need a refill on my Percocet."

Dr. ERP: "Sir, we've discussed this before. I'm not refilling your Percocet."

Mr. Narc: "DAMNIT! I am a close personal friend of Senator Daniel Webster! And I demand you give me more Percocet NOW! Or he will hear about this!"

Dr. ERP: "Okay, tell you what. You get Senator Webster on the phone, and I'll give you some Percocet. I voted for him, and have heard him speak many times, so I know his voice."

Long pause

Mr. Narc: "I'm leaving this dump."


  1. That's a great answer! Put him on the line.

  2. LOL That would be one old ER doctor! Great comeback, though.

  3. Smarter than usual Doc. BUT, knowing pols, I would not have bet oxycodone on the possibility or Mr. Narc knowing Senator Webster.

    Just sayin' . . .

  4. Ouch that door hit me in the ass on the way out, just saying.

    My wife works for Workers Comp insurer and she says that 90% of the cases are for folks looking for pain meds, and they know all the tricks.

  5. Senator Daniel Webster- isn't he that great orator who said, "Give me Percocet, or give me death!"

  6. "Danny, it's me. I just tried another neurologist, but no dice. You're just going to have to find your own source back in DC. Why not ask Calhoun? He always seems to have some. I'm sure he'll hook you up if you just support his appropriations bill. C'mon, you think you're the first one to trade his vote for drugs?"

  7. lol. This was pretty hilarious. He must really need that percocet...

  8. And when Senator Webster gets his medical license, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to write your Percocet prescriptions for you!

  9. So, why doesn't Sen. Dan Webster get his friend's doc to write 4-5 refills on his Percocet and see how far that will get him?

  10. Go get your drugs on the street like any other self respecting addict.

    Wait-self respecting addict? Uh, ya.

  11. Gee, Grumpy, with the senatorial reference you'd swear you were at the Hotel!

    Ah, if I had a dollar for every time I've heard "I'm calling my Congressman/woman/Senator"..."

    Me, too! Cause he/she's my representative too and I want to complain!


So wadda you think?