Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mary's desk, January 2, 2013

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Valet: "Yeah, I have an appointment with Dr. Grumpy now, and I can't find a parking space."

Mary: "Okay... I'm looking out over the parking lot on the north side of the building, and there's quite a few open spots there. Try that side."

Mr. Valet: "I don't have time for that. I'm down by the east exit. Can you just come down and park it for me, while I see the doctor? Do you know how to drive a stick?"

Mary: "No, and that's not something I..."

Mr. Valet: "Then how about if you sit in it during my appointment, so it doesn't get towed?"


  1. She should ask what kind of car it is. Think of all the fun the valet in "Ferris Bueller" had.

  2. Is this why your page has all kinds of anti-gun control messages on it today?

  3. Nurse Lilly got it right. If it's a Jag, Mustang Cobra or maybe a 'vette, then what's the problem? Just take a long lunch.

  4. Good Grief. Sounds like Mary is a candidate for the "Front Sight" ad on the blog.

    Actually, she sounds sensible, and would be a good candidate for firearms training. The Yak Herder on the other hand, just might hurt someone, including himself.


  5. Ah yes, it's that New Year's craziness that doctors and staff love so much.

    No one has correct insurance info, everybody wants their scripts moved to a new mail-order source, people want claims back-dated to last year, and everyone's stressed to the max from too much family and too much booze.

    It's always two weeks of hell.

  6. So "Mr Call " either made it , or has a brother??

  7. "But before you come down here, tell the doctor to fire you and hire someone who can drive a stick, so they can run some errands for me while I'm at my appointment. By the way, I assume this means I don't have to pay for today."

  8. So what neurological disorder turns people into assholes ?

  9. packer:

    "DIPUTS" syndrome covers it...

    as documented in charts, years ago, by an unnammed, pre HIPPA/politicaly correct madate, surgeon. Gosh, there are some things about the old days I do miss

  10. Mary must have the patience of Job. I am so glad I work for a researcher, because if I worked for a surgeon or general practice and had to deal with this plus additional crazy, I would practice my handgun training at work. Geez!

    But it was funny. Depending on the car and patient, I may have actually taken him up on his offer if he would sit at my desk and answer the phone.

  11. Wow, now why didn't I think to ask the receptionist to come sit in my car last time I went to my oncologists? Makes much more sence than circling the parking lot to see if anyone will vacate a spot. I finally called to explain why I was late and that I'd be parking over at the hospital across the street and walk over...see, other people are much more clever than I am.

  12. Oh boy! Dealing with all these crazies would make me grumpy too!

  13. Dr. Grumpy, have you ever considered recording all calls for quality assurance? I'd love to hear the voices that go along with some of this stuff!

    It's not expensive to do, either. About seven years ago, when I was trying to prove some nasty stuff the ex had been saying to me and my kids, I bought a phone recording device from Radio Shack for I believe less than $50, which I then hook up to a digital recorder.

    But you share so much funny stuff with us in writing already, going to any expense isn't needed. Just a suggestion if you happen to have the means to do it and provide a few more laughs for those of us who need them.

  14. You must be in California... It sounds like something someone from there would say...

  15. I'm with Lilly on this - Ferris Bueller here we go - see you later.

    Just remind Mary that putting the car up on blocks and running it is reverse will NOT undo mileage.

  16. I am wondering if you are a neurologist or a psychiatrist... at least if you'd change, it seems you wouldn't need to change the patients :)


So wadda you think?