Monday, December 24, 2012

Weekend on call

Dr. Grumpy: "So you haven't been taking your seizure medication at all?"

Mr. Stoner: "I don't need to! See, my friend gives me marijuana, and if I smoke it several times a day than I don't have seizures. Hey, can you give me some while I'm here? He's not answering his phone."

Dr. Grumpy: "Local Hospital doesn't keep marijuana in the pharmacy and..."

Mr. Stoner: "Well, I'm not going to take any of your pills!"

Several hours later, at the nursing station...

Dr. Grumpy: "All right, here's some orders on the new admission. Hey, has Mr. Stoner had his EEG yet?"

Nurse: "He left AMA*. Didn't anyone tell you?"

Dr. Grumpy: "No. When did this happen?"

Nurse: "After you told him the hospital wasn't going to give him marijuana. He snuck out of his room and went down to ER, trying to find a patient there who could sell him some. When security came after him he ran out of the building and didn't come back."

*Against Medical Advice, for the non-medical readers. Basically walking out.


  1. Now I know who to blame when this obvious neurology dump comes to my hospital on Christmas ;)

  2. Fa-la-la-la! While I have only tried marijuana once (hey, it was the late 70s and I was in college!) I can understand his preference for MJ to the Rx.

    The pot was good, and all the Rx stuff I have had to take makes me slow and even less coordinated. Among some of the side effects.

    But, Mj is illegal, you can get into all sorts of trouble with it, and I do (try) to do what my doctors tell me. Tho' he and she get earfuls if the meds cause too many side effects.

    But I suspect this Pt. has more troubles than Grumpy can treat at once. Like addiction.

  3. MJ is used legally by all kinds of patients in the reports I transcribe here in BC. I'm not a fan of using it recreationally, but it does seem to help a lot of people.

  4. Coming up: one negative patient satisfaction survey.

  5. If he is smoking funny cigarettes 3 or 4 times a day, how does he even know if he is having seizures?


So wadda you think?