Friday, December 14, 2012


I want to offer my thoughts, prayers, and condolences to all affected by the terrible events of today.


  1. What an incredibly heartbreaking tragedy. My deepest sympathies to all.

  2. Lots of broken hearts here in Connecticut tonight. How Newtown will ever recover from this tragedy, I just don't know.

  3. I heard about this once I got home. My mother turned on the news and I rushed in to see it. We both started crying; those poor innocent children. I still don't understand what is happening with people these days.

  4. My nephew lost a friend there today. So sad.

  5. Such a horrible tragedy. I hope that the parents of those poor children have loving, supportive family around them to help them get through this. As a parent myself, I cannot begin to imagine what they must be going through. I'll never understand what must have been going through that young man's mind.

  6. The whole world is reeling with shock at this terrible event. Our sympathy is with all those affected.

  7. Unspeakably sad. I don't have children and can't begin to know what they are feeling, but I look at the faces of the parents and weep with them. Newtown is in my thoughts today.

    --Queen Anne's Lace

  8. Amen, Amen Amen. I know it was a world away from us, but something similar happened in China:,0,6383015.story

    I know the best thing to do is keep on, but this makes it so hard.1117 sticese

  9. Continue to keep your corner of the world warm, bright, and clean Grumpy. If we all aspire to achieve this, then I think we can make something pretty great out of this thing called life. We cannot control what others do but we certainly can take great care of ourselves and our own.


  10. We have already heard from the brother of the shooter that he suffered from a mental illness. I'm sure more information will be forthcoming in the days and weeks ahead.

    These incidents are becoming all too common. Let's try to get these folks mental health help before another tragedy happens.

    I can not imagine the heartbreak that those familes and the community is experiencing. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

  11. If I weren't aware life was much, much worse for so many before me, I am not sure I could bear it.

    As it stands, I feel lucky.

    Thanks to persons such as our host, Grumpy.

  12. Our Prayers are in Over Drive Here For Everyone....lyrat

  13. @Otis/Frazier/Marie & Jaxxy et al - as Brent pointed out . . . one of 16 people posting - "We have already heard from the brother of the shooter that he suffered from a mental illness."

    As long as the outcry is about gun control, and until some serious work is done on reducing the stigma of mental illness [we're about where people were with cancer - "the Big C" in the 20's & 30's - not that any are around now to remember] this type of problem is not going away any time soon.

    Please read the following article - I excerpt one paragraph near the end:

    No one wants to send a 13-year old genius who loves Harry Potter and his snuggle animal collection to jail. But our society, with its stigma on mental illness and its broken healthcare system, does not provide us with other options. Then another tortured soul shoots up a fast food restaurant. A mall. A kindergarten classroom. And we wring our hands and say, “Something must be done.”

  14. @Anonymous 5:51===great article! I work in the ER regularly and there are so many mentally ill who need help and there is none! That de-institutionalization that occurred a few years ago has left too many to fend for themselves!!


So wadda you think?