Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weekend entertainment

Due to an insane amount of kid stuff this weekend, I'm just going to share one of history's finest movie moments.


  1. Classy. I'm thinking someone should do one of those useless studies on how many Baby Ruth's were wasted in pools after this movie came out. Of course someone should look at Snickers and similarly "doodie" shaped candy bars too.

  2. It is classic, I wonder how many times that trick was played...

  3. Ew!
    History's finest movie moment was Indiana Jones shooting the ninja in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  4. A timeless classic. One of my favorite movies!!

  5. "One of history's finest movie moments"
    Hope the kids do well/have a good time. No taking them to Costco for dinner!

  6. Really funny, until the guy finds the second one....which would make you wonder, which one he ate first! Delirium!
    (I realize that I am being totally gross, and savoring the moment!)

  7. One of those movies that if you catch it while channel surfing, you are CAUGHT!


So wadda you think?