Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thursday morning

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mr. Turkey: "Yeah! Are you guys open on Friday?"

Dr. Grumpy: "No, we're not."

Mr. Turkey: "Crap. I need to get my prescription refilled."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, I can call it in. Which pharmacy do you use?"

Mr. Turkey: "I don't need it until Monday, so I'll just call back then. Thanks!"


  1. "Meanwhile, if my in-laws ask, I'm at your office."

  2. The switchboard never sleeps...I'm working. Who knows? I could be the one paging you this holiday!

  3. About your twitter feed.....I have always pondered the plural of titmouse. Is is titmice? Titmouses? Either way it sounds weird. Think I better just stick to feeding them.

  4. Dr. Grumpy... Dr. Grumpy. Paging Dr. Grumpy to a white phone.

  5. way too easy to pick up the phone , or text, or speeddial, or any other immediate .....

    without thinking these days


So wadda you think?