Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Marines: Looking for a few good men

Tomorrow, in Washington, D.C., is the Marine Corps Marathon.

My reader Amy, while trying to figure out traffic routes, discovered this, uh, interesting map of the marathon's course:

I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP! The complete map, including the above, um, segment, can be seen here.

Thank you, Amy!


  1. Looks like the Smithsonian puts a dent in manhood?

    And anyone who runs this race is either cockeyed or has a lot of foresight.

  2. The few. The proud. The happy to see you.

  3. Hmm, Doc, are you trying a Rorschach inkblot test on your readers?

    "I see nothing, nothing I tell you, nothing at all - just some red lines."

  4. I bet there's stiff competition.

  5. I always figured running a marathon was hard. This route will definitely teste.. er... test the runners, though!

  6. "This is my rifle, this is my gun..."

  7. Maybe there is some, uh 'construction', er 'reconstruction' going on in the neighborhood?

  8. Hahaha this is great! My best friend is running in this, I'm sending it to her immediately...

  9. I wonder if it was done on purpose.

  10. My, my. That naughty L'Enfant!

  11. Very appropriate, considering that the word "Capitol" has its origin in the Latin word for "head."

  12. Well...and if you click on the link for the map of the *whole* course, you will see that the two somewhat loop-ish areas south of there are also anatomically correct-ish. No need to stick with franks only if you can get the beans to go with it...

  13. Marines do tend to stand at attention!

  14. As George Takei would say: Oh myyy!

  15. I find myself disagreeing with Lainie about the anatomy. What we have here is a guy with a giant member but not enough blood to run it--it's pointing down at about a 45 degree angle. Those bits below are legs.

  16. I was in with my wife on Saturday to visit daughter who lives in area. The entire plaza in front of her apartment building was wall to wall port a potties, street was closed , big tents and porta potties---she was not impressed.

  17. PS Best comment section ever, hard to beat.

  18. Speak softly and carry a big...

  19. If you look at the whole map and tilt your head, it looks like a bucking horse.

  20. The comments are the best, I tend to agree. My SIL wants to know if I need a moment...

  21. Marines are reknowned for keeping their brains in a safe place and being able to see it thru.


So wadda you think?