Monday, October 1, 2012

Red, too

Mrs. Ganglia: "And when the headache was really bad, the right side of my face was drooping."

Dr. Grumpy: "Was it really drooping, or just feel like it was drooping?"

Mrs. Ganglia: "It was really drooping! Wait, hang on, Gary took a picture of it..."  whips out iPhone, holds it up. "Here, take a look."

On her iPhone is displayed a picture of a remarkably muscular 20-something human male, with washboard 6-pack abs, naked except for his snowboots. He's holding his erect penis in his right hand and pointing to the camera with his left.

Mrs. Ganglia: "Oh GOD! That's not it..." (swipes frantically a few times) "Here it is. You can see my face is drooping."

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes, yes, you can."


  1. **shuffles off to delete some photos from iPhone...**

    Kidding, there are no penis pictures on my phone..holy WOW.

  2. there are some photos that should not be stored on your phone ... just saying.

  3. There's an app for that.

  4. No it was most assuredly not me, but Put up the picture, everyone want to see what Officer Cynical looks like.

  5. I am some days quite amazed at the smarter than owner phone pictures of various "things" patients want to share during clinic, that have nothing to do with cc of the day...

    brave new world in photosharing land....

  6. This the reason I cringe every time someone comes in with a phone and wants to show me something.

  7. Officer Cynical always points to the camera with his RIGHT hand, and points with his finger ONLY.

  8. Snowboots? That's the really interesting part of this story!

    The security force at our hospital was taking penis pictures and sharing them. Apparently, the behavior is frowned upon here because at least one lost his job. Probably the least "talented" of the group. HA!

  9. Was that a picture of Gary?

  10. Grumpy:

    ROFL! Thank you so much for making my day. I really needed a good laugh.

    I thought I was one of the few lucky ones to see inappropriate patient pictures. (Those darned people take pics of everything nowadays!)

  11. Doesn't sound like anything in THAT picture was drooping.

  12. It makes you wonder why people answer their cell phones in bathrooms. As soon as I retired I tossed mine. The only reason why I had a cell phone was so the kids and boss could find me.

  13. I don't think it was an accident, Grumpy... you'll have to figure out WHY she wanted you to see that...

  14. Like Babe Ruth's called shot?

  15. Oh. My. And I have pix of my family, cats and a brush fire on my cell. Guess I lead a sheltered life

  16. I have no cell phone therefore I have no photos.

    I wasn't clear earlier, as I "lost" my first post, but the point of the topic was why people use their cell phones in such dumb ways. Who really wants to have a photo like that on their phone to start with?

    And why was the guy wearing snow boots? Many questions and few answers.

  17. Boy, that new Apple Maps app is even worse than we thought.

  18. If that was Gary then, well, good for you Mrs Ganglia.

  19. Maybe it is just me but I was picturing Mrs Ganglia just a WEE bit older than the fellow in the snowboots.

  20. Honestly, it's moments like these that make me so happy I'm training to be a dr. I mean, I'd never have that kind of thing happen to me in another profession.

  21. She was just showing off.

  22. Maybe it was her, without her make-up on?

  23. So...was her face drooping as much as your jaw drooped after seeing that pic?


So wadda you think?