Friday, October 12, 2012

Patient quote of the day

"When things are the same they're the same, but when they're different they're not the same."


  1. 'Duke of York' by any chance?
    (Grand, Old, and slightly touched)

  2. One of these things is not the same, one of these things is not like the other... Sesame Street, Live?

  3. ....and, let's not forget, when they're the same, they're not different.

  4. Dear Doctor Grumpy:

    I have a question and I do not mean to be overly nasty, but have you been projecting a state of obliviousness to your patients , given that they need to explain these elementary concepts to you on a frequent basis .

  5. Totally the same unless they are completely different

  6. But, there is a chance in the odds that it could've been both the same and different, too. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe?

  7. Whenever i see something like this, i am reminded of shopping in Thailand. ""Same Same but different"" is often used in negotiation techniques when trying to sell you a lesser product/ fake knockoff for the same price you were negotiating for the display.


So wadda you think?