Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mary, call security.

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you married?"

Mrs. Latrodectus: "Widowed... Am I considered a widow if I killed my husband?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, I really don't know."

Mrs. Latrodectus: "Then just put down that I'm single."


  1. What, prey (giggle) tell, was her presenting complaint?

    What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!

  2. Black widow.

    So was this a confession or a symptom? I know when my (never-married) great aunt went senile she started telling everyone (inc. the police on one memorable occasion) that she'd just killed her husband and his body was in the trunk of her car. She also didn't own a car.

  3. hmmm. Well, maybe it was self defense.

  4. Back away from the patient slowly......

  5. Wait a does this thing end ? You are killing me.

  6. Bet you're glad to have that Tromner reflex hammer handy.

  7. "Um, I really don't know."

    Yep, I think , Doc, that was the best response to that line of questioning. Don't get sucked into that discussion.

  8. Ok, this is the time to call Annie into the exam room as you BOTH back away. Tho' as neither of you are married to the Black Widow (Latrodectus)you might be safe.

    And as another poster said, it might have been self-defense. Or an accident.

    BTW, my mother went on and on about the pretty black-and-red spiders in the yard who made raggedy webs. Went out to look and came back in to get a heavy slick magazine to roll up and swat the spiders. Then I used insecticide on the webs.

    Why was I so mean to four of God's creatures? Well they were Latrodectus. I am just glad Mom did not have an up-close-and-personal encounter w/ one.

  9. Dr. G. Doesn't use a Trömner hammer, he uses a Queen Square.

  10. You didn't offer to Google that for her?

  11. "Well, technically, I'm not sure if he's dead yet or not. I think he had enough air, and the food and water I walled in with him should have lasted till a few days ago. Which reminds me- I also may or may not be an orphan by now."

  12. "And that I like long romantic walks on the beach. Especially if it's a really deserted beach."

  13. Wow. Not a criminal mastermind if she DID off her husband.

  14. wid·ow (wd)
    1. A woman whose spouse has died and who has not remarried.

    So, she's a widow whether she killed him or not.

    She may be called some other things if she did kill him!

  15. Whether she killed 'him' or not, is not the question, but was she ever married? (Save the question about divorced or separated for later.)

  16. Is that the spider genus in which the female stings the male to death after sex? If so, then your choice of pseudonym might have truely awesome implications...too right to reverse out of there!

  17. Wait... Your building has its own security?

  18. Grumpy:

    In my job, I have to register people for our health portal and one of the questions I have to ask is marital status.

    I had a really creepy patient tell me he was single when I registered him. He wasn't really single, he just WANTED to be single.

    Luckily, he was discharged shortly thereafter to his wife in RandomPrairieTown.

    Just the way he said it was SO scary (I thought maybe he was like your lady)!

    Those are days when I wish I had a panic button!


So wadda you think?