Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Never mind

I'm walking a forgetful elderly lady up front after an appointment, and notice on the info sheet that today is her birthday.

Dr. Grumpy: "Happy birthday!"

Mrs. Taubeta: "Oh, is it someone's birthday?"

Dr. Grumpy: "It's your birthday."

Mrs. Taubeta: "I have a birthday coming up, too!" (looks at Mary) "Well, have a happy one!"

Mary: "It's your birthday."

Mrs. Taubeta: "Really? My birthday is next week, too! What a coincidence."

Dr. Grumpy (giving up): "Well, I hope you have a happy one."

Mrs. Taubeta: "Thank you. And to you, too. I'm sorry you have to work on your birthday."


  1. I had a pt with AD who when asked the date woul respond with her birthdate and then say wait a minute it's my birthday today - will we have a party? Her caregiver would then say - we had a lovely party on your birthday but today really is present date. I always thought if I ever loose track of time, I want everyday to be my birthday too.

  2. Well bless her heart.

  3. I work with dementia pts. One lady had a birthday everyday. People thought it was sad, but she had a great family...cupcakes every day! As long as we had a birthday party in the evening she was happy. No meds, just a cupcake then off to bed..tomorrow was her birthday. (Just like that movie 50 First Dates)

  4. So nice for her...she gets to meet new people every day.

  5. betatau - very good one, IB

  6. Dr. Grumpy sure wish you were my doctor as you sound like a pretty neat doc.

    As to the rest of the comments: How lovely indeed and what a wonderful way to deal with forgetful patients.

    Have a lovely day!

  7. Please say she wasn't driving home. Please say she wasn't driving home.

  8. AWWWWWW My my doc walk me to the desk when I am old and forgetful...

    Hey, I am old. And forgetful. Is that why Dr. A walked me to the desk ... ????

  9. Sounds like my life. My dad is 16 years into his Alzheimer's journey and by chance Friday is his birthday. It drives me bats but he is so happy!

    Thank you for the smile and the reminder that as a carer I am not alone.

  10. Poor old soul. I wonder if her hearing is partially at fault.

  11. She was just messing with you. Over here there is a tv show "Benidorm bastards" where old people pull pranks on youg(er) people.

  12. I had a really good comment to make on this issue but I forgot it. :(

  13. I hope that I am fortunate enough to have similarly kind people around me if/when I start to lose it...

  14. It is a good reminder that everyone gets old. This will likely happen to a lot of you.


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