Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Skool Nerse announcement

This is Mrs. Grumpy.

Look, kids.

There are all kinds of ways to fake being sick/injured/dead to try and get sent home from school.

Pretending to have a weird rash that "suddenly came up" before the math test is not a good one.

Especially if you do it by rubbing your face and hands vigorously with Cheetos.

Your neon-orange "rash" washed off pretty damn easily when I took a washcloth to it.

And now you smell like the inside of a vending machine.

Nice try, though.


  1. I fear for the next generation if they can't even correctly fake getting sick at school.

  2. No one gargles hot water before going to the nurse anymore?

  3. Hahahahaha. Love it.

  4. Whoa. That's pretty lame.

  5. Ah , the tricks of the trade . ;-)

  6. So, just how does Mrs Nurse Grumpy know what the inside of a vending machine smells like? Why is she smelling vending machines?!?

  7. An orange rash - this is serious. We've got to act fast! First we'll take your temperature. Rectally, as we want to get an accurate reading. Then, while we're in the vicinity, we'll just get you all prepared for the barium enema they'll want to do at the hospital.

    All set? Try not to tense up.

  8. 1 Gram of some antibiotic in the butt should fix that kids "rash" and desire to every try that again

  9. Givin' him (or her) an A for effort though.

  10. @brittles15: that is oldschool, earthermometers now...

  11. I never thought of doing that!Darn.
    But I double majored in Math and Economics to get out of doing manual labor.

  12. Oh, no, a dangerous case of Cheeto-itis was averted.

    Gee, you'd think with the internet the kiddos would think of something interesting.


So wadda you think?