Thursday, July 12, 2012

No, I honestly don't

"Doc, because, sometimes I get headaches, and I also have trouble remembering things, and it's like when your foot hurts, or you've just slept with a bunch of girls and don't want to get tested, or you just got a new car and repaired the roof. Do you know what I mean?"


  1. Sure! It's like that one time when I lost my glasses and needed glasses to find my glasses so went to look for my spare glasses, or when you get a nose bleed but the hash browns are burning, or that evil cow is stalking you from up the hill and you get pulled over for speeding, but I don't think I can recall the results of what shampoo do you use? I have to go eat eggs now.

  2. Was his first name Rube?

  3. Is it the migraine or the meds I took that makes this so difficult for me to understand?

  4. Loved him in 2 and a half men

  5. It's kind of like flight of ideas, only not quite.

  6. Getting headaches and trouble with memory are things he doesn't like to talk about or get taken care of. Just a guess.

  7. You can't make this stuff up!

  8. Don't you love treating advertising copywriters?

  9. Strange... I understood that perfectly.

    Translation: He strongly suspects that there is something wrong, but is in denial/buring his head in the sand.
    As in (per his examples) 'I don't have an STD because I haven't been tested to confirm it' or 'I have not maxed out my credit cards and overdraft'.
    It's the whole 'ignorance is bliss' idea.

    Personaly, I freak out until I can confirm the actual extent of the problem. Reality is seldom as bad as my worst-case-scenario imagination.

  10. Hmmm. Err. Mmmm. Let's see if we can ask the question a different way.

  11. Any other signs of schizophrenia? That sounds awfully like it. I'm not kidding.


So wadda you think?