Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday whatever

Mr. Webster: "My internist says my blood pressure is erotic."

Dr. Grumpy: "You mean erratic?"

Mr. Webster: "Whatever."


  1. ... which explains why he only sometimes gets laid.

  2. So gramps didn't die with a smile on his face from an erotic embolism???

  3. Makes me think of the folks who say, "I have prostrate problems."

    You can't bend over? WT....?

  4. Once while beginning an anesthetic, someone called over the intercom into the OR for me. I heard the OR secretary yell "She can't come to the phone right now, she's seducing the patient". That would be inducing. Although both result in sleep, they should not be confused.

  5. Maybe he meant hieratic.

  6. "He sure has a funny way of measuring blood pressure, though..."

  7. Man, that would make SUCH a fucking amazing "Family Circus" cartoon! I TOTALLY see Dolly looking up with that adorable expression on her face and saying something like "Teacher says my behavior in class lately has been erotic." Fucking comedy GOLD! Why do all the good ideas come after I'm too fucking dead to draw them??? Oh, well, back to the fucking fire and brimstone...

  8. Bending over can definitely be related to either the prostate or being prostrate...

    ::washes brain out with soap::

  9. That may well have been my elderly patient who told me about his 'romantic' arthritis of the hips....

  10. Me: Pharmacy.
    Mouth Breathing Moron [MBM]: Hello? Who 'dis?
    Me: um, the pharmacy?
    MBM: yeah, fill my subscriptions
    Me: your prescriptions?
    MBM: you gotta smart mouf! *click*
    Me: ?!?

  11. "She can't come to the phone right now, she's seducing the patient". That would be inducing. Although both result in sleep, they should not be confused.

    Well NOT if one of them is being done properly...

  12. Hilarious! 50 shades of "I dont give a fuck" love it

  13. Maybe the internist was trying to seduce Mr Webster?

  14. New words:



    Both sub-species cruise nursing homes looking for hook-ups, using shots of clear Benefiber as pick-up drink of choice. Well acquinted with the habits of their prey, they know all dates must start before 5 pm and end by 8 pm.

  15. Arthritophiliac...

    ...queue Barry White, oh hell, queue Betty White.


So wadda you think?