Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What SHOULD she do?

Sermo is an online doctor community. Once or twice a week I skim the posts to see if there's anything of interest.

Anyway, one hazard of technology is that a lot of people post while typing on the fly. This, combined with autocorrect, can lead to some eye-catching items.

ADDENDUM: due to lawyers from Sermo sending me threatening email, I had to take the screenshot down (those of you up early saw it). Basically, what it said is:

"One of my colleagues recently had a tubal legation. Now her vagina is demanding an embassy. What should she do?"


  1. Hahaha! Love it. Do you ever read http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/ ? If so, you should...it tends to be hysterical.

    I once texted someone the following: I just ordered a huge pizza, it should be ready in a half hour. My phone turned it into: I just ordered a homosexual pizza. It should be ready in a half hour.

  2. Most embassies require a visa to gain entrance...

  3. Fedex Guy- in college I lived near an embassy that usually required a visa to enter, but also took Mastercard and American Express.

  4. Diplomatically ask the ambassador to leave, and take his surgical supplies with him.

  5. Hello, My name is Ambassador Bob, and this is my wife Linda. I am Ambassador to Linda's Vagina.

    We're currently under tense negotiations right now. Things have been so exciting our hearts have been pounding, but we believe things will end in a manner fulfilling for both sides.

  6. I can always count on Dr. Grumpy and his sidekick, Moose, to make me laugh.

  7. Sidekick?!? I'm not getting paid enough to be a sidekick!

  8. A whole new interpretation to "diplomatic relations".

    (Damn those lawyers- always trying to steal our fun!)

  9. Please double Moose's salary at once.

  10. I wonder what it was supposed to say?

  11. My brother did embassy duty as a Marine.

    Thanks Grumpy.

    Now I can't think of him w/o laughing my lungs up.

    And while I want to tell Sermo to get a sense of humor, I do see their point.

  12. Damn, an embassy? Most vagina's don't demand that much....

    tort reform

  13. The whole embassy? She's going to have a sore vagina.

  14. Just think - if her vagina is demanding an embassy, what will her brain or stomach demand?

  15. and thus we achieve world domination, one organ at a time

  16. I really want to know what they meant to say.

  17. tubal ligation i get, but what is the vagina embassy a typo of?

  18. That's virgin on the ridiculous!

  19. Anon @ 1056pm ~


    But I loved it!

  20. bwahahahaha to your post and everyone's responses!

  21. c'mon, Grumpy. It was a joke post to begin with

  22. As Taylor Mali said in his essay: The The Impotence of Proofreading, "There is no prostitute for careful editing."

  23. If her vagina wants an embassy, I don't see any problem with building one!


So wadda you think?