Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gee, thanks

Dr. Grumpy: "What brings you in today, sir?"

Mr. Honest: "Dr. Asshat referred me. He said all the good neurologists couldn't get me in, and so I should see you instead."


  1. Take it as a compliment not as an insult.

  2. Well, at least you are the best of the not-good neuros. :)

  3. Nice~

    "And all the good patients had appointments last week. Now why are you here again?"

  4. Referring back to yesterday's scenario, me thinks that Mary has upped her game. And so the prank wars begin. It is all fun and games until someone gets hurt, then it is just fun.

  5. So you asked him to drop trou and bend over so you could do a quick brain scan?

    stay safe.

  6. Wow- that makes you want to refer back to Asshat (not). I kind of hope you figure out what's going on so you can refer him to primary care that should have caught what was going on a long time ago. :)

  7. as in- we called everybody in town, but they would not come in. so you have to come in because you are our last choice.

  8. "I resent that. Now, if you'll take off your socks and twirl them over your head while shouting, 'Wheeeeeeeeee!', I'll make my diagnosis. Ready? Go!"

  9. Interpretation; " I've run up a bill with everyone else in town, and you are next on the list."

  10. I'm siding with anon @0838, Grumpy.

    Asshat probably won't take him back since the collection agents are after him.

    My sympathies.

  11. Mr Honest? How about Mr Really-rude-or-socially-impaired?

  12. Honestly, after reading your blog, I can't imagine anyone wanting to be your patient. Why are you still in practice? Do you not know that this world is filled with loonies? Either accept it, or jump ship. You obviously feel " above them all". Guess what! You are probably not.


So wadda you think?