Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This weekend was the annual Wirfliss Pharmaceutical Company golf tournament. And it resulted in me making an ER run.

The event consists of drug reps and sundry other marketing people from all over the area in a 1-day golf challenge. This usually involves (as do many golf activities) large amounts of alcohol.

So I got called to ER to see 2 guys who'd suffered head injuries.

They were reps from competing territories, who were assigned to the same foursome.

After several drinks and holes, they began arguing about who had the better sales figures. Which led to a confrontation. Between 2 inebriated, hypercompetitive guys. Both armed with golf clubs.

I'll warn Mary to stock up on Wirfliss samples. May be a while before our rep is back.


  1. You are lying! This did not really happen! Add it to "soggy sandwiches" and "too many business cards" as reasons to dislike reps.

  2. Uh, yes it did.

    The business cards I don't mind. Mary and I use them to write pin-up notes, since the reps don't give out note pads anymore.

  3. I read through all the bs about who had the best sales figures trying to get to the important stuff: Who had the best round of golf ?

  4. Priceless! What a credit to their profession.

  5. I wonder how much FOREthought the reps head honchos put into that sales ploy. Drunken golf games, harumph!

  6. in the ER, did either rep try to detail you?

  7. AxlykDx (pronounced, oh never mind...)
    The new wonder drug for the 21st century, works just like testosterone without the pesky side-effects...

    Brought to you by Big Pharma

  8. that must be what the big Bertha is for...

  9. I think i'd show up with a really good video camera/phone at next tourney,
    and make competitive entry for $10,000 prize you missed with the dog/hot tub event....


So wadda you think?