Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday night, 11:58 p.m.

Tap, tap, tap

Dr. Grumpy: "Mmmmph... What time is it? What's up, Craig?"

Craig: "I can't sleep."

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you okay?"

Craig: "Something is bothering me."

Dr. Grumpy: "What?"

Craig: "Did people at Target have to work on St. Patrick's Day?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, I guess so. They were open. This is why you can't sleep?"

Craig: "I don't think it's fair. They only wear red shirts at work, so won't people pinch them? For not wearing green?"

Long pause

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm sure for St. Patrick's day they're allowed to wear green pins or something."

Craig: "Oh. I guess that's okay. Thanks! Good night, Dad."


  1. I guess it's no worse than some if the dumb things that have kept me awake at night. Only difference is I didn't wake anybody else up with my worries

  2. From one Dad to another: Bravo

    Rare are the times when you can completely lift your child's burdens, but when you can, you must.

  3. That is SO. STINKING. SWEET. <3

  4. Yeah, and even at midnight his hair looks good.

  5. Ahhh, youth, when problems are so much smaller.

    May his problems always be so simple they can be fixed with an answer from dad.

  6. Craig seems to have a terrific sense of fairness.

  7. you are a good dad :)

  8. wow Dr Grumpy...you are a great example of how to not lose your shit...and uh, I second what Sunny wrote.

  9. I'm worried about Craig's hair.

  10. Ah, another memory and a story to tell at the best possible time in years to come...

  11. Just to set the record straight... Target employees are required to wear red and khaki regardless of holidays. And no one has yet to pinch us because of our failure to wear holiday-appropriate clothing. If they did....I would lick all their Xanax before putting them in the bottle.
    Sleep well, kiddo.

  12. My kid has woken me up at midnight because he couldn't sleep. I was not as patient about it as you.
    But thanks to Craig, now I'm wondering how people with red/green color blindness fare on St. Patrick's Day.

  13. As someone whose ancestors come from Ireland, bless you. That was a real mitzvah.

  14. Doc,

    Your kids are hysterical! Thanks for the laughs!


So wadda you think?